So that was a short lived relationship. He was such an amazing guy, and maybe if it had been at a different time, it could have worked. I feel like I don't know how to be in a relationship. I want to be able to make it work some day with someone, but I felt like I was putting all of myself in to it and still coming up empty.
Part of me feels that it was completely due to the fact that neither of us are really sure where are lives are headed and that is too scary for me to handle right now. I get stressed out enough as it is to try and figure out what I want to do with my life. He deserves someone who isn't a freak...or who at least doesn't freak out every second. I learned a lot about myself in all of this. I learned that I am definitely not ready for a relationship...that I enjoy my "me" time...and that being single isn't always such a bad thing.
Maybe some day I'll get it right. I'll be able to find someone who fits with me and I with them.
Who could happen...