Thursday, December 07, 2006


A turn of events...something happens and you realize that everything is going to turn out are going to be is going to give you another chance...another chance to live each day to the give each person another love with everything that you are...

I never want to be the person who doesn't look at the best in everyone I see...maybe that makes me naive...maybe that makes me foolish...but I'm ok with that...I love who I am and I refuse to apologize for me...I might be crazy...and most people don't understand me...they look at me as though I've lost my mind...and I smile...because I'm smarter than they realize...I love that when I make a statement people think that I am such an idiot...but I think that there is some small satisfaction in knowing that I am a little wiser than anyone could even begin to imagine...maybe I shouldn't dumb myself down...oh well

I's ramblings are very much that...ramblings...My mind is full and my heart is overflowing...I just love where my life is going...I know that there are times when I don't know what is going on and it bothers me that I can't see a lot of what is going on...but I know that God has me in His hand and things are going to be amazing...He has big plans for me..I can't wait to see what they are...

Be praying for this weekend...we are having our Christmas musical and things are beginning to come together but we still have a ways to go...

I'll keep you posted...

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