Sunday, December 24, 2006

I Want to Love Me

I glance into the mirror and I see all of the things that I don't like about myself...My nose is too big...I need to lose weight...I think my eyes might be crooked...I hate that gap in my teeth...My ears are SO big...My hair is so frizzy...

And then I stop...I love the way my nose has that little bunny rabbit effect...I love the color of my eyes...I love when I laugh...even though I lose my eyes...It reminds me that I'm happy...that I am ejoying life...I love my ears...and how I am great at listening to what people have to say...

If I take a deeper look...I love what I see even more...I love the fact that I love with all that I am...How I always only have to learn a lesson once for it to stick...that I try not to be judgemental and that I love give of myself...I am a pretty selfless person...I want to teach others how amazing their lives are...they have no idea what they have been given...

As much as I tend to get down on myself...I'm a pretty amazing person...I think I might even be kinda cute...haha...but seriously...I love who I am...I love that I can make people laugh...I think it might be my job...I love that God created me so differently than other people...I am glad that I am not like other people...I love that I am unique...and I know that God is ready to do something amazing...

I love least...I'm learning to love me...and I want to love me...

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