Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hold On...

This weekend has been an amazing ride...I think everyone who has been with me would agree that it has been long and full of ups and downs...but every moment has been worth it...I have gained friends and made stronger bonds with those I already knew...My life will be different after this event and I know it...It has been AMAZING! I pray that it has had a lasting impact on those who saw it and those who were involved...

Now...because this is a topic I so frequently visit...Yesterday I was talking to Terry G about the whole relationship thing...and how I am completely fine with where I am...I know God is going to bring me an amazing man...I don't have to worry about anything and that is one of the best things in the world...but...(don't you just love the buts?) with my sister's future wedding looming...I can't help but think about things like that...and then I had a revelation...the whole...Megan getting married before me...kinda mirrors the whole dog vs. cat thing...I'm not going to go into detail about that...because it's not necessary...but it kind of opened my eyes to why I am having such a hard time with it...why this nagging feeling has continued to gnaw at me...Terry G...thanks for being so amazing...for listening to me...I love you!

Let's see...besides that...there is always guy confusion...grrr...I hate boys...they are so dumb...That's all I am going to say about that...

My life is a treasure that has been given to me...and I am blessed to be so loved...This weekend has been a great ride...and I can't wait to see what all God has for the rest of this year...and the one to come...

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