This is a picture of my latest writing utensil purchase. I have an addiction. Type writers, pens, notebooks...I can't quite get enough of them. There is something about putting words to paper that makes you really live. Words are freeing. They give hope. They bring peace. They are powerful. They can also tear down. Destroy. Kill.
I love to write. To bring my thoughts to life and let them dance upon a page. They help me live. I don't write as much as I should. I don't stretch myself but I think it's time to start. I want to live again and I think the only way I can do that is to write! It's time do dust the cobwebs from the deep recesses of my imagination and to let myself live again. To being to life the characters I have kept hidden for too long.
Today it is vital that I let myself have the chance to live through my is time again to let myself pwrite and not be afraid of rejection.