Sunday, January 14, 2007

I'm Ready To Go...

There are days when we wake up and we know that things are going to be different...Something around us has changed...we don't quite know how to explain it...we just know that something has happened...

I want to live with purpose...I want to live with something important in mind...I want to live as though I have a destiny...something greater that I'm meant to accomplish...I want to live my life one day at a time...and I want to conquer every day with clarity and vision...I want to make a difference...I want to change something or someone...I want to do SOMETHING...ANYTHING!!!

God has placed a passion in my heart...and I know that there is destiny in front of me...I just think that I am too scared to reach out and grab a hold of what is out there for me...I want to be be be sure of be sure of be sure of God...I don't want to doubt any longer the things that I feel so strongly I am meant to accomplish...but I am scared...I cannot lie...I will not lie...I know that I am meant for something great...something amazing...

God...grant me the patience to see this through...teach me to lean not on my own understanding...but to hand it all over to you...for you alone hold my alone create my path...lead me and guide me...

Ready or I go...

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