Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fortune Cookies...

I will be the first to tell you that I love fortune cookies...not the taste of them...or eating them at all...I love cracking them open and reading what it says inside...Last night I opened are some words of wisdom from my cracked cookies (not to be mistaken for crack cookies)...

1. Modify your thinking to handle new situations.

2. You have a charming way with words.

3. You may lose the small ones but win the big ones.

4. You will find your solution where you least expect it.

5. Someone in your life needs a letter from you.

6. Something on four wheels will soon be a fun investment for you.

I don't know why I wanted to share those with you...but I there they are...

I personally like number three the best...some of you will get that...some of you won't...and that's ok...

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