Monday, June 25, 2007

My Little Break

As most of you know, at the end of the school year the administration of GJHS told me that they were not going to be asking me back for another year. I sat there, trying with all of my might not to cry. I got up, walked out of that office, and I can remember that as I walked down that hallway I just kept thinking that God knew what He was doing. It was with great effort that I got through the rest of the year without a break down, and I didn't cry until having to say good bye to all of the other teachers that I had worked with.

Since the end of school I have waited anxiously for my interview with the county. After that much anticipated interview I was told that I couldn't work in a Polk County school unless I went through a year of subbing. This would mean a decrease in pay and no benefits. Needless to say, this is not an option for me. I have put my resume in with another school (and already had an interview with them) and have put my application/resume in with Southeastern. I truly believe that whatever happens, it will be God's will. Beyond those two options I am also looking out of state (closer to my home in Kentucky) for some jobs. I don't know if that is what God has in mind, but I do know that I need to be open to where ever it is that he calls me.

In order to re-evaluate where I am headed in this thing called life I am taking a break from a few distractions (the internet being one of them). For the rest of this month I will not be online. If you need to get in touch with me you can call me (863) 258-6118. You can still leave all of the comments, messages, or anything else that you want...I'm just letting you know that I will not be responding for a few weeks.

I love you guys so much and would really appreciate your prayers. You all mean the world to me and I love you all for being all that you are and for constantly supporting me. If it is God's will for me to move I know that He will allow me to have an impact just as I have had here.

I love you guys!

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