Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I Love Being Me...

We are half way through the year and here are just some of the things I've learned...

When you throw up in front of people...they never forget (or let you).

Fortune cookies are my heroes!

Heroes is the best show ever!

Gilmore Girls ended and so did a little part of me (sad...I know).

I love being a teacher!

I love being me!

There are people who come into your life, and you are better for it.

Tivo is the best invention ever!

I have the best friends I could have ever asked for.

I actually do enjoy being single.

It's wierd when you don't have anyone to have a crush on.

I am the bad one.

I love being the bad one.

Life is pretty fantastic.

I'm happier than I have ever been before in my entire life!

God has a plan for me (I already knew that one!).

I love fruit! I should be a vegetarian again.

I fill out too many surveys...and I mostly do it so that Merri will fill them out.

You can know someone for a month and feel like you've known them forever.

I can't be what everyone else wants me to be...I can only be me.

Friends are like underware (not really...but I just felt like saying that).

Did I mention I love being me...

This year has been amazing so far and I look forward to all of the other amazing things that are going to happen. I don't know why...but I believe that this year is going to change my life.

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