Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Day in the Life

It's a hard life, but someone has to live it...Take today for instance. Woke up, went downstairs...made pancakes for Alexa...then...we got in the hot was really hard just don't understand...walking right out the back door and there it is...we were out there for almost an hour...and then we washed dressed...did our hair...she laid in my bed while I did my hair and make-up...watching dragon tales...and then we went to the toy store...Chik-fil-a...and home...went to pick up the other two from school...went all over town to find a specific Webkinz (if you don't know what that is...count yourself among the blessed)...went home...fixed a snack...did homework...played on the wii (I kick butt at ping pong!)...and then we had some quiet time before I got off...

What a day!

Seriously though...I love my job...the last couple of days have been hard because Alexa has spent a lot of time crying (mostly because she misses having her brother and sister around)...but today was such an amazing day!

It's funny...because they are my life...everything I do...has to do with them. Take my recent default picture...that's me and Alexa at the the back playroom...playing dress-up...I are so WISH you could be that cool...

My kids are going to be so spoiled...although the thought did pop into my head today...I can't imagine chasing a four year old around when you are eight months pregnant...that would be CRAZY!!! Anywho...

I don't know what's going on with everyone else out there in cyberspace...but I really do enjoy what I am doing right now. I am so blessed!

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