Wednesday, September 05, 2007

To Stop Thinking Would Be Bliss

This is going to be a somewhat random rant of things I love, things I hate...and things I just can't decide whether I love them or hate them...

I hate pimples...I don't understand why today I have like five...seriously...I wash my face...rarely wear make I stressed? Maybe I'm stressing myself out and my body is taking it out on me...grrr...I just hate them...

I hate favorite part of every day is when I get to take it off...the thing that counfounds me though is the fact that I genuinely like wearing a sports bra...and sometimes...they're great...but tonight...well...I hated it!!!

I hate that for some reason when doing my eyebrows I have been taking out small chunks of my eyelashes...not only is that not good...IT HURTS!!!

I hate not having friends here...or not having had the time to make any...I don't want to miss Bartow...but I do...and I hate that you don't want to be in a place until you are no longer there...

I hate that I miss being a teacher...I hate that I miss my kids...and my classroom...I HATE IT!!! are some of the things I love...

I love my three beautiful children that I get the priveledge of spending almost every day with...I love who they are...even when I don't like who they are being...they make me wake up every day (and not just because they are loud)...I love them!

I love the beach...the sound of the waves, the water, the sun...I love the ocean...I want to go out on a boat...I love being this close to the is amazing!

I love my mom and sister and my brothers...ha ha...I love saying that...I love that my sister is now married to the love of her life...(I do hate that a small part of me is jealous though)...

I love Lana and Rach and how they make me feel missed...and how they make me laugh...and how they tell me NO...because they know I need to hear that! They have been amazing over the last few weeks...seriously...

I love that feeling you get when you have butterflies because someone sent you a text or called you in the middle of the night...the way it feels to be wanted...the way it feels to want to be wanted...

I love long walks on the beach, bonfires, daisies, a guy who will open every door for me...someone who loves me for me (that in itself is a tall order)...someone who looks past my flaws....I love that I know that there will come a day when I will marry the love of my life...

The things I'm not sure of...


I'm not sure...

There are things that run through my head...that I wonder how to make it go to breathe in and breathe out without having to think about not think...just for a little while...that would be nice...

Anyways...I told you this would be a random rant...and there is was...and now it's done...later days...

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