Sunday, September 23, 2007


Today has been's funny because I really was looking forward to going back to the new church today...but it seems as though God had other plans...and I am thankful he did...I don't know really how to explain it...only that...I feel lighter the burdens that were weighing heavy on my shoulders are no longer there...

I feel free...

God and I have talked tonight...He has heard the cry of my heart...and I have heard His...

I have let myself be stagnant for far too stand...ready to be more...ready to face whatever comes at me with the assurance that I am living every second for my is not going to be an easy walk and there will be times when I fall...but...I know that His hand will pull me up when I can't go on alone...

Right now He is carrying me through all of this and I can't wait to see where my life is going...I am excited...He has renewed me...He has given me strength...

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