Thursday, June 30, 2011


I have never been good at making decisions. I always just went with whatever fell into my lap and never thought much about what I would do if I were faced with any real decisions. This is why I have had such a hard time deciding what I will do when it comes to my masters degree. It has been one of the biggest decisions of my life and it is causing me to stress more than I think I ever have (which is saying a lot if you know me).

I don't know why decisions have never been easy for me to make, but I have always taken the easy path. As I look ahead I am scared out of my mind that I can't see past the bends in the road. What might be ahead scares me more than just standing still. I hate that though. I think that this stagnancy is what is holding me back and keeping me in the dark. I love the thought of moving forward, but my greatest fear is that I will take the wrong path and end up making a U-turn that costs me time and effort. I wish my fear were not so paralyzing. It keeps me from doing anything, which is just as bad as making the wrong choice.

I guess I will take a deep breath and jump, and hope that I land in the deep end and not get cut off in shallow water. I don't know if I will make the right decision, but I just know that I have to make one.

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