Friday, March 24, 2006

New People...

Since I have moved back from Kentucky God has begun to strategically place new people in my life. I was thinking tonight how greatful I am when He allows my path to cross with that of others. Dan, my "cool" new friend, was at drama practice with us tonight and then went with us to Taco Bell...and I was just thankful that God allowed us to know each other. His roommate is another one of those people. It is so crazy, because I have known them less than a week, and yet I feel like I have known them longer. They are both amazing guys and I am so happy that I know them.

Another person God has brought in to my life recently is my good friend Faith...and she has been a blessing that I can't even begin to explain. Honestly...she helped save me. I mean that...I don't think she knows how she effected my life...

But really...I have been blessed with amazing friends in this journey called life. My new ones and my old ones have each made an impact on my life. They have each made me stronger and pushed me to be who I am today. I don't know where I would be today without any of them.

I thank those of you who call me friend for being the same for me. You have no idea what you have done for me. I love you all!

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