Saturday, July 15, 2006

A Celebration of Love

I know...two in one day...there must be something wrong with me...

I got back from a wedding a couple hours ago and it was one of the most amazing events that I have ever been to. I think the reason behind that is because I know both people in the couple, their hearts and where life has taken them...Their love story is beautiful. I laughed and cried today as they told of their love and committed themselves to one was beautiful! I am so happy for them...Callie will never know how much watching her love story unfold has helped me to believe in my own. It was after I heard of their enagement and pending nuptuials that I began to realize I don't want to be is beautiful and I don't want to spend my life hating the fact that I am without a man to love and love me in return...I have so much love surrounding me...I don't want to give in to the pressures of this world...that marriage is what makes you happy (this is more so in the Christian community than anywhere else)...I'm not saying that getting married is seen is beautiful...what I am saying is that love will find me when God is ready for it to happen...

I love my life...I love where God is taking me...and most of all I love Him! He has brought me out of darkness and He has taught me new light...I can't wait to keep living my life...I know that someday God will place someone in my life who will sweep me off my feet...He will make me want to fall in love with him everyday...and everyday I will...

Love, Hope, Faith

And the greatest of these is love.

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