Saturday, July 15, 2006

Into His Heart

I want to be stronger. I want to truly run after God with all of my heart and I feel as though recently I've only put in a half-hearted attempt at our relationship. He has done so much for me...and I just can't seem to give him much of anything these days. It doesn't make sense...I used to be so in love with Him...We used to talk constantly, and now we never talk to each other any more...although if He were talking...I can't honestly say I've been listening...

Have I become tainted? Is that why there is a wall that I feel keeps pushing me further and further away from His love...I know He is always there for me...I have no doubt about that...but I know I'm not trying hard enough...and knowing that is what kills me...He has saved me countless times...He has rescued my life and soul...and yet I still do not give Him all that He deserves...

I want to be a world changer...but first I have to be a me-changer...I need to start on the inside...I can't change those around me until I myself change...God is so good and I don't want to belittle Him...I don't want to take Him for granted...I don't want to lose faith...My God is powerful and I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength...I just want to be at the place where I rely souly on Him...He is so good to me...He lifts me up when I am down and He knows all there is to know about me and still loves me...I want to lay down my sins, my pride, my bitterness...all of it...down at His feet...I want to stand and walk away from all that has held me down...

Please pray that I be able to do that...I want to be that quote on my page...I want to be so into the heart of God that they only way a man can find me is through HIM!!! And so I seek to be in His love Him and live for Him daily...


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