Monday, July 31, 2006

Random Blog

Not that the title has anything to do with what I am writing about, but it seemed an interesting fact to me.'s good...isn't it? I love my life right now...I had the most amazing experience this weekend. As most of you know...I was born and raised in Kentucky. I got to spend time with a friend of mine that I basically grew up with. It's interesting because they moved to Florida when we were seven and eight years old...Then we moved to Florida about eight or nine years ago...and we have seen each other maybe twice in those eight went to Ft. Myers and got to spend the weekend with her and her fiance...It was amazing...they are truly meant for each other and watching that is beautiful...

I had such an amazing time and my summer is now over...tomorrow I go back to work...and I am so excited...I can't help but be excited about where my life has come to...I never thought that this is where I would fact...if you had told me this two years ago...I would have laughed in your face...but God knows better than me...

I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds for me...God has answered so many prayers...and I am loving my life...I love my friends...and I even love being single...something I never thought that I would hear come out of my mouth...but my life is in God's hand...I am so happy...I want everyone to be able to feel this I have bad days...well...yeah...but those bad days are just learning experiences...and a chance for the next day to be even better...I love God's promises...

Keep Him first in your life...and learn to love where you are now...don't be anxious about tomorrow...we're not even guarunteed that...

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