Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Ok...Life is still good...I am still loving it...but I am tired and drained...This week is only half way through and I am already dragging here...but I still love my job and can't wait to get deeper into the subject.

I guess mainly...if anyone is actually reading this (I know there are a few of you faithful readers out there)...Please be praying...because through my happiness God is challenging me...stretching me to reach to a new level...I am excited but I know that what I face is going to be a challenge...I just ask that you keep me in your prayers...and specifically pray that God give me direction...Thank you guys so much!

It's been great being this happy...I don't know the last time when I felt so happy with where I was in life...but right now I am truly ecstatic to be in this place at this time...

Love you!

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