Saturday, August 12, 2006

God's Blessings Pouring Over Me

Last night I was working on grading papers and going through the list of my students and I almost began to cry...not because I am overwhelmed, but because God has blessed me so richly...I love my much so that I was almost in tears due to it...I think it funny how God brought me to a place I never thought that I would be...

This challenge that God has given me recently...I believe that it is to teach me growth...God has something big in store for me and I am ready and excited to see what happens...I am sad in some know how you can feel that doors are closing around you, and God is opening up new ones that you never even knew were there...I am so blessed to know that God is an answerer of prayers...He has answered so many this year and I am interested to see how He answers the others still being prayed...but I have learned that God is a God of perfect timing...He knows exactly when to do something...and exeactly when to hold back...

I pray that God grant me patience...and yes...that is a prayer for patience...I truly believe that God wants to stretch my patience...because I have always been a patient person, but I see more and more where I can grow in this area. I thank God so much for all that He has done, and all that He is going to do...Keep your heads day you will wake up and say "I am in the will of God" and it will feel amazing...I know because I do this every day!


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