Monday, July 23, 2007

Starting a New Journey

I got the job! I am so excited at where God is taking me. It is scary and exhilrating all at the same time. I have been hanging in there all summer...held up only by my faith, and here at last I find that I am completely happy with where God has brought me. I truly could not ask for more. This position is perfect for me. I will be moving to Ormond Beach where I will be a nanny for a family of five. Their three kids are all adorable and will be both fun and challenging. I truly believe that this is where God wants me. I get the chance to impact lives. Three little lives.

I will be living with them and taking care of the kids most days, having a couple of days off here and there. I don't know that I have ever been this excited about anything. At the same time I am a little sad that I won't be here with my friends...but as I stated a few blogs back...I've really felt as though God were seperating from people anyways...

So here I am...on the verge of a new journey...I can't wait...and it comes sooner than expected. I will be leaving this Friday! I know...I got the call today. It's bittersweet because my dad left today and I didn't realize that I wouldn't see him before I moved away. I mean, I know it's not like I won't be back, but he and I have already talked, so it's all good.

I can't believe that I am leaving...I mean...Bartow has basically been home to me for the last two years...even though I haven't lived here that whole time...I have been blessed to form friendships that I find to be priceless. I could never have asked for better friends while I have been is a shame that I have known some of them such a short time...but they are in my heart...and I will be back to visit. I can't believe that this has all happened in the span of a feels much though it all just happened...I believe that this move will change my life...and that there are reasons I don't even understand that are leading me to this job...God is so good...and I continue to put my faith in Him...

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