Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happiness of Being Home

I think sometimes it is the simple things in life that make us appreciate what we have. Today has been a day of simple pleasures...and tonight has been a night filled with laughter...I don't know what it is about being home that makes the goofiness in me come of you may think that you have seen goofy Jessica...but just ask my cousins and they will tell you that you haven't seen nothin'

I sat at the table tonight laughing so hard that tears were coming to my eyes and I asked why people feel the need to get drunk when they can feel the high I got tonight just from enjoying my family...add my craziness in there and you have a riot session. I laughed at everything...we now have this new inside joke and everytime I see the color pink...or hear someone say it I will reverently think of Barry Manilow...LOL

I love my family...I got my cousin a birthday card...and on the outside it said...Just think about what it means to be a part of this family!...on the inside...And try to have a happy birthday anyways...LOL...I loved it...and so did our family is amazing...and horrible all at the same time...I guess you would have to be a part of it to truly understand...

Anyways...on with this greatness of being at tonight I got to go to Christian Assembly...which is the church that I grew up in...I love going makes me miss home...but it also reminds me of where I came from...keeps me grounded...I got to see some of my youth...which in turn made me miss my youth in Florida...I thought about you guys...Amanda (who spoke tonight), Rueben, Casey, John, Christa, Candace, Andrew, Katherine, Matt, Amanda B., Jessica, Rachel, Tiffany...oh goodness...I feel like I am leaving someone miss you guys already...but it was great to see Tori, Patrick and Seth...I've missed you tons...

It's hard to have two homes...I belong in both so well...who knows whether or not God will be bring me back here...but I know that for this time Florida is my home...and I love her and miss her dearly...

Later Days...

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