Sunday, June 25, 2006

This is the Story of a Girl

When I think about my life and where it has taken me I realize that I am happier than I have ever been in my life. I love where the twists and turns have lead me. It isn't always easy to understand why we go through the things we do at the moment we are facing them...but each moment has been a lesson learned. I have learned to love, to forgive, to push through even when I feel like giving up and to accept the twists and turns as they come. I don't pretend to understand all that I have faced...I remember when being an adult was something we only dreamed of...when our worlds seemed so small...and now I look around and all I see is possibility...

I am so excited about my life...about where God is taking me and the journey I am on to get there...Did I think things would be different...well of course I did...I think that there are many times when we imagined something only to realize it wasn't the right time for that to be in our lives...

I talked to an old friend of mine today and told her that being single isn't as bad as I thought it would be...or have thought that it was...I love being single...I love that I am my own person and that I choose not to change for matter how hot he is...

Learn to love yourself...learn to love your life...God has you where you are for a reason...make the most of it...and when you least expect it...all your dreams will begin to fall in to place...I can't wait for my dreams to come true...but I know that waiting just means something amazing is going to happen...

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