Sunday, June 11, 2006


I think it is funny how I either write when everything is super great or when it is super bad...but how about when life is

There really isn't much going on in my life at the moment, but I am happy...content with where my life is...I know that many times when I write in my world wide blog I go on and on about my highs and lows...but I guess it is nice to know that there are days when life is just normal...I's hard to believe that Jessica could have normal related to any part of her life...but it is true...

Exciting news...I got the position at George Jenkins High School...I am so very happy about this change...I am also excited about how much God is using me recently...and my upcoming trip to it's not that life isn't good...or that it isn't's just that I am looking forward to every day...

Don't let these times pass you by...remember to hold on to the greatness of normalcy...because in my usually doesn't last long...

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