Monday, October 23, 2006

What a Weekend!!! 7/11 Anyone???

I took Friday off to go to the doctor. Nothing's wrong just needed a check up...and they put me on some medication...I then went to lunch with my friend Kyle...we had a good to catch up with each other...then I went and watched him buy a he's poor and I don't know that we can be friends anymore...(just kidding Kyle!!!) When I left him I went to dinner with Dan...and made him go to Victoria's Secret with me...oh goodness...good thing he's my favorite...and I'm HIS favorite or he might not ever speak to me again...

On Saturday I had class and then I had drama practice...And then...Matt kept calling me...wondering if I was going to the hockey game...I was not looking forward to going by I asked Kyle to go with me and he was kind enough to oblige...I then had three teenage girls who all wanted to go see the guys...IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I mean I totally got lost like a hundred times...but it was the greatest trip ever! We laughed so much and then we saw this demonic cat...oh my got hit and then it was still alive...oh my goodness!!! When we finally got to Denny's it was fun and the drive home was good...but I had fun with the girls...Katie and guys rock! Don't forget that there is only about two 7/11's in New Port Richey but we passed them at least 30 times...

I had a blast...a memory I will never forget!!!

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