Friday, October 27, 2006

So Sick...

Oh my goodness...yesterday was one of the worst days ever!!! I woke up feeling queasy. On my way to work I kept feel gross. I got to school and was talking to the teacher that I do duty with and was telling her about it and she looks at me and says "there could be other reasons for it" insinuating that I might be pregnant...I just said no...that wasn't an option...

Through 2nd period I started feeling worse and worse...then it happened...the class change came and I was standing at the door...the kids kept asking me what was wrong, but I felt as though if I opened my mouth I would puke...BOY WAS I RIGHT!!!

I tried to make it to the trash can, but it just didn't happen. It went was gross and disguting and absolutely NASTY!!! It was in my hair, on my clothes, and all over the floor. I was so embarrassed...I thought that I was going to die...Then all day yesterday I felt gross...I got home took a shower and went to bed...It was a rough day...I made it through...and hopefully I am completely over it! Anyways...for those of you who were there and got to watch me...we are closer now than I ever wanted to be...

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