Thursday, November 02, 2006

I Love Life Like...Woah!

So this week has been pretty much like every other week, but for some reason I am simply in love with life right now. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am falling hopelessly back in love with God. I feel like I am right where I need to be and that He is only going to take me to new levels in where I am going.

I've had drama practice the last few weeks and that has been amazing! I can't wait until our play! I love to act, and I love to act silly. This has been such an amazing time and I am excited to see the fruits of this labor. I am also just thankful that I get to be a part of this.

Besides that I am kinda crushing right now...and I kinda like it, kinda don't...My friend Suzie and I were talking know...guys always say it's the girl that is confusing...but they are the ones who won't just come out and say what they want, or don't want, as the case may be. I just wish I knew...I wish I could somehow crack the code and that everything would just make sense...but it doesn't and so I continue to wonder...but it's worth it, because it really is just plain fun to like someone as much as I like this one...

I don't know why I got a sudden burst of happy, but I did...and wanted to share it with all of you before I headed to bed...I love you all so very much!


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