Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thank God For Unanswered Prayers...

...remember when you're talking to the man upstairs
just because He doesn't answer, doesn't mean he don't care
some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers...

This year began with fasting and a list of prayer requests...On the top of that list was the desire for God to send my sister and I a Godly man...my personal request was that God would either send me a man or help me be content with being single...I've floated back an forth through thinking I had been given someone...to being content with where God has me...

The year started off with someone asking me out on a date...totally and completely unexpected and even somewhat delightful...and then...in the middle of all of that...I had another guy who suddenly showed interest...and here I thought that God was answering my prayer...a good Christian man who was cute and funny...and I was looking forward to the possibility of a relationship...I felt things that I had never felt before...and then...that fell through...my heart hurt...and then there was nothing...no one...

Somehow it was ok...I felt completely content with where I was...and where I was going...I loved every bit of my life...everything that was my life was amazing...And then I started my new job and life became even better...My students are my life...and I love my life...thus...I love my students...Everything was and pretty much still is amazing...

Then...there was this amazing guy...who was an amazing friend...we were spending lots of time together...more time than I spent with any other guy...and I began to think there was something more...and finally...when I had more than I could take...I brought it up...he then made me feel like a complete idiot for even thinking that he could like me...even though I felt completely horrible...it was amazingly liberating...

Since then...I have taken a step back...I want something to happen, but as I talked to a guy I know last night...he made me realize...that maybe God isn't saying no...He's just saying not right now...I know that He has something amazing out there for me...and I am ready to wait...I'm ready...

I just know that there has to be a reason...and someday I will know what that is...until then...I'll just be content...

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