Monday, November 20, 2006

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Is it possible that Disney has forever ruined my concept of romance? A young girl falls in love with a dashing young man and they live happily ever after. Has Hollywood tainted my perception of relationships? This guy does this to get with that girl and that girl doesn't want to be with that guy and they all use each other to try and get what they want. I remember one time, I was watching The Wedding Planner, and at the end of the movie one of my friends said "Why can't that happen to me?" I sat there and thought about all of the stuff that the character Mary went through...she found her fiance making out with someone else the night before her wedding...her mother died when she was younger...she threw herself into her job...she lived a very lonely life...and then she ends up falling in love with someone else's fiance...almost married a guy she didn't love and then...finally...she ended up with Steve. She went through a lot of crap to get to that happy ending...

And when you think about Disney's the same way...they have to go through so much in order to get the happy ending...which in reality...isn't an ending at all...but a new beginning...We don't know what happens to Cinderella after she and the prince ride off into the sunset...We watch these movies and then blame them for our misconceptions...but if we paid attention we would realize that they are just llike us...messed up...afraid of never finding someone...and realizing that all of the crap was worth it for all of the moments of happiness to come...

I guess I've just been thinking about this a lot...I want my prince charming to come and sweep me off my feet...and all of the crap that I've gone through will difinately be worth it when he comes into my life...but I don't want to be a helpless heroine...I want to be an active part of my story...

I pray continually for the man out there strong enough to be with me...He'll definately have to love me despite who I am...but I think he will be up to the challenge...I can't wait until God directs our meet with each other...and to live happily ever after (ok...that line is a bunch of something...LOL)

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