Friday, October 06, 2006

Why Does Love Equal Sex?

Now I don't believe this. In fact, I truly believe that love is better than sex any day. I'm not talking about the physical satisfaction you get from making love (which I have yet to experience), but I am talking about knowing at the end of the day that you didn't give someone something that you can never get back. Sex only lends us temporary satisfaction, when heartbreak stays with us for years.

I found this excerpt from Relevant Magazine and I felt like the author totally had been where I have been:

"I am aware at the most inconvenient of times that my motley mix of sentiments does not lend itself to easy decision making. Like when my young and virile body says yes, yes, yes and my cautious and convicted mind says no, no, no. Like when the candle is lit and his arms just feel so good, and I would love nothing more than to show him just how much he means to me because words will no longer do. Like when he's sitting two feet away, and I somehow have to muster up the courage to admit to us both that conviction trumps libido, and I will not be sleeping with him tonight, tomorrow or any day between now and matrimony. I simply can't take that risk, because I haven't found a condom strong enough to hold back my tender heart from fusing itself to his irrevocably. Furthermore, I don't want to.

But tonight the mood is right and we have to make a decision, or the decision will make us. I try to avoid his ocean eyes so as to not throw my life preserver to the sharks and willingly sink into their depths until I am little but a foregone conclusion. There is no earthly way, I realize, that we will be able to reach a conclusion that satisfies us both—in the emotional and the carnal sense. S-E-X turned out to not be such a small word after all.

There's simply no earthly way.

And then I remember …

I am not of this earth. My body is not my master. I am not meant to drift aimlessly through the landscape of indecision in a bewildered stupor. I am meant to run free, and when the weight of the world starts to drag my feet down, I am meant to cast all my cares on God, for He cares for me and is able to sustain me (Ps. 55, 1 Peter 5). There is no earthly way I can reconcile my twentysomething-year-old hormones with my ageless faith. But there is a Godly way, or He would not be God. After all, He invented sex, you'd think He'd be willing to help us figure it out. And He will—that's just the kind of guy He is.

Now that's the kind of risk from which I don't need a condom to protect me."

I thank God that I am made in His image and that He gave me life and love. I want to be in love more than anything in the world, but I am scared. Scared that I will not let God have control. Scared that I will be hurt again. I guess more than anything right now I just want to love without holding back. I want to just let God have complete control! It will be perfect, I just know it!

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