Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Beautiful Weekend

This weekend has been amazing on so many levels. I woke up yesterday morning to what I thought was my alarm clock, but it was my phone. Scott Eric Dent was calling to wake me up and tell me that he was in town. I was so excited! I got to spend time with him and some of his youth group. It always makes me happy when I get to see him because he has been such a big part of my life. I was sad that Amanda wasn't there though, but being about to bust with Riley (the new addition to the Dent clan) she wasn't up for the travel. I can't believe that he is going to have two children...CRAZY!!!

Besides that I got to see my best friend in the entire world! She came in and so we went to dinner and then she went with me to the homecoming game. Then she got to meet Dan, Justin and Rebekah. This made my whole life seem very exciting. It's almost as if two worlds became one last night and it was great!

Today was so AMAZING! I spent pretty much the entire day with Rebekah and we went shopping and she was patient with me. Even when I got tired and cranky she still put up with me. I love that girl. If she reads this then she should know that she's amazing...not me...LOL And boy does that girl know more than she wants to. I love her!

Tonight was crazy wild. It is probably a good thing that I was homeschooled...LOL Those kids were going at it. I think it made me want to have a boyfriend even more, for so many reasons, but mostly because I want someone to make out with...LOL

I love those kids...they were so awesome! Each and everyone of them looked like they were having fun, minus the drama of course...

Well it is almost 1 am and I am about about wiped...

Until later

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