Sunday, September 03, 2006

I'm In Love (2nd Edition)

So tonight when I was in the shower I was thinking about what I wrote...While all still holds true i forgot to mention that beyond loving my life...there is also the love of my life...Jesus Christ! WOW!!! He is simply amazing...Recently I have had several people tell me that I have been on their mind...and that they have been praying about me...which is so cool by the way...

Wednesday night Mrs. Davis told me that she really felt that God wanted me to read Psalm 20...While I wasn't putting it off I just kept forgetting to do it...yesterday morning I got out my Message Bible and turned to Psalm 20...My favorite part is when it says "an answer's on the way, everything's going to work out." How amazing is that? God has answers out there for me and they are coming my way...every prayer that I have cried out to Him this year is in the process of being answered...I love how He works...

It is late and I am wired because I can't stop thinking about what God is doing in my life...He is so amazing and I take Him for granted so often. I am in the middle of a fast and I continue to think how this should be an ongoing thing...I feel more focused on Him and not so much on me...I am seeing the things I am thankful for and I am letting Him take away all my stress

I serve an amazing God...He continues to work in and through not give not back down from the call that God has placed on you life...He is getting ready to do NEW things...IT BEGINS!!!

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