Monday, September 18, 2006

My Day...and Other Stuff

So today hasn't been the best day ever...I mean it wasn't horrible on the scale of fabulous to sucks...but it wasn't the greatest. I mean, I love my job, but today was one of those days where I had to remind myself that I love what I do and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Have you ever just had a day where one thing puts a kink in all that you do...well that's what happened to me this morning...I was going about my business...ready to start class...the students won't stop talking and write their journals and then I start with a lesson on comma splices...and BAM I have this kid who asks why we are doing this...I couldn't be like...because your papers sucked and we need to fix these problems...who cares whether or not they were the rough drafts (because that is the excuse that I got)...the chance that you will make the same mistake on your final paper as you did in your rough draft is pretty good...GRRRR!!!

Not that the rest of my day was's just that I let that one thing bother still is bothering me...I just need to get over it and let it go...I want my students to want to learn...but I know that that is asking a lot...I love my students...all of them...even the ones that give me a headache...I love my job...what I do is my life...I know that God put me in this place for a reason...and someday maybe these kids will look back and B really cared a lot about us...

I am tired and really need to grade papers, but I am procrastinating because I really want to go to bed early and wake up on time...

Besides all of that my life is pretty much the same...I am trying not to think of wanting to be in a relationship, because as much as I deny is truly what I want...someday my prince will come...right? Who knows...maybe I will just be alone...and I need to be ok with that...I think that right now single sets well with me...I am holding out for a Wentworth Miller...Someone tall...dark...HOT...and highly intelligent...did I mention HOT? Ok guys...I love you...


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