Monday, September 25, 2006

To End a Day in Tears

Oh I was so stressed out! This morning something that I guess I never really imagined happened in my class room...I can't even tell you what actually happened...all I know is that when it was all said and done I had two students who were on the ground throwing punches at each other...I thought that I was going to cry! In fact I think I almost did! Actually I did...just not in class...I waited until I was on my way home...

Boy was that an least now I know what that's like. Someone asked me if I got in there and split it up...and I said they were crazy! It happened and the rest of my day wasn't exacly the best but it was better than the beginning...of course then I got home and thought that I was going to die because I wasn't done with my homework and so I did as much as I could but I couldn't get it done and so I was in tears on the way to class...and then I get there...and we didn't even have homework due for the night...GRRRR!!!

Anyways...something I realized today...I love my life...and I love my friends...truly I can't imagine what my life would be like without you guys...You make my life worth living...I mean God is the reason I'm here...but you are definately the reason God put me here...You are each amazing and I thank you for being a part of my life!

Love ya!

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