Saturday, September 02, 2006

I'm In Love

Today I was posting a comment on a friend's page it I told her that I am in love with my life. I can't believe how blessed I have been to have to opportunities that God has given me. I truly love everything that my life holds at the moment.

There are days when things don't go perfectly. I was sad yesterday, so sad in fact that I almost cried. I was sad because I had let my feelings get hurt over something that wasn't even a big deal, and then there's the guy issue. I truly feel as though I've gone back to my old way of thinking...the way in which all I do is think about being single and that I will never find the one...I would love to think that I have met the right guy...and I know that people say...when you know...but I just want it to happen...

Who knows...let's change the subject...


God is getting ready to do something big and now I can't wait to see where He is taking me...


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