Thursday, October 06, 2005


Ok, anyone who knows me, knows that I am obsessed with movies. Tonight I sat and watched the new movie Crash. I was highly impressed with it. The R rating is necessary for the language...which was the worst part...but the best way I could describe this movie was highly poignant...I laughed...I cried...I screamed at the tv...(I'm telling you...I'm obsessed).

I think that we live in a world where racism and prejudice run rampant, but we overlook it because we choose to be ignorant. We are exactly what MLK Jr. spoke out against. We are the man who sits idlely by and does nothing. Who are we to think that we have no voice? Or that we shouldn't have a voice?

We are the only voice some people will ever hear, we must speak while we still have the chance.

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