Sunday, October 30, 2005

Out of Place...

My life has always been different than others'. I am a little strange and most days I want something different than the others in my generation. When I was younger, I always had different priorities than my friends. While they were oohing and aahing over babies, I was playing cops and robbers with the boys, when they were oohing and aahing over boys, I had my nose in a book...I've always wanted different than my peers...

This fact has made me somewhat of an oddity. I never really fit in anywhere because I never held the same interests as those around me. Right now the majority of my friends are either married or in serious relationships, and while this is an important thing with me it is not up there on my priority list. I just feel out of place because my life is in a different place than their's.

I wish that feeling out of place was no big deal for me. I mean, I've felt that way my entire life, you would think I would be used to it by now. I miss Kendra...(my cousin)...she's the only one I never feel out of place with.

Someday I will fit in somewhere, but until that day I will stand out, and I must deal with I leave you now..

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