Friday, November 04, 2005

I Can't Believe It...

Today was a work day for me. No students!!! It was brilliant. I got a lot accomplished and feel organized again. Once done with my work for the day I headed to Warner. I don't know why I do this, because I don't really know anyone there anymore. I guess it is the thought of seeing people I used to call friend that keeps me coming back...who knows.

When I went there today I found out that my ex is in town. It is all kind of crazy and hard to explain. I just know when I heard it I didn't know how to feel about it. But, my mind kept going over everything and I began to think about how long it has been since the last time I was kissed. It has been a little over a year now...very little over a year. This is insane. Not that I have to be kissed a lot to survive, I just can't believe it has actually been that long.

I don't know why this has been on my mind since this afternoon, but it has and that's it...sorry to unload my randomness on you.

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