Monday, October 15, 2007

Putting God In a Box

Have you ever realized how often we put God in a box? We tend to think that we know what is best for our lives, and we let God know what that should be. What we need to stop and realize is that God doesn’t need our opinion or our approval. What He needs is for us to be obedient, and to lay down our plans for His. I think we get so caught up in the planning of our lives, that we often forget God already has a plan.

I was talking with a friend today. Where she is at right now, and some of the things she’s experiencing are kind of cool. She had a secret admirer. It was cute and charming, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about all of it. She thought that maybe he wouldn’t be her type, or that he wasn’t going to be what she wanted. Once he revealed who he was, she still wasn’t sure. She’s going out with him this weekend for what will be their first date. As I was talking to her, it made me realize that we need to be open to possiblities. It’s when we close ourselves off to those possibilities that we are putting God in that little box of ours.

I know that I am guilty of this most of the time, especially when it comes to relationships. I have been riding this rollercoaster for so long, going back and forth from feelings of contentment, to feelings of resentment. One moment I am happy and thrilled that God has allowed me to be single, and then there are other times when I am so angry at God for making me be alone. What I have failed to realize is that I just need to let it go. It’s not that I haven’t thought about it, or even tried, it’s just that I didn’t realize it was so important. Instead, I hold on to the temporary satisfaction of a relationship here and a relationship there. To be completely satisfied I need to hand it all over to God.

That is so much easier said than done. Letting go of something we hold so dear is a hard thing to do. It will take time, but in the end it will be completely worth it.

I don’t just want to be in A relationship. I want to be in THE relationship. I know that God has it out there…I just have to stop putting him in the box…I need to realize that His power over my love life is much greater than my own…I have to realize that there are possiblities out there…and God is ready to show me the ones in my life…if I will just let Him…

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