Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Genuine Encounter

The last few days have been more than amazing! God has changed something within me and my life actually feels as though it has meaning again. It's like when you're driving and you get feel panicked and somewhat worried...but when you are back on the road that you know will lead you home, you feel safe and reassured. These last few days have given me those feelings of safety and reassurance. I am no longer worried about what has become of me...instead...I am now focused on what lies ahead of me and what God has in store for my life. I have always known that God has a bigger purpose for my life...and now...I feel that I am actually chasing after it...

I wish I could put into the words the freedom that I am feeling right now...yesterday I said...I don't think that I have ever been happier in my entire life...I feel weightless...I feel as though every burden has been taken from me and I am now freer than I have ever been...this is the greatest feeling...and it's not the fake...I've been to the best service or camp or revival...this was a genuine encounter with God...I feel as though God has taken me from my lowest low and placed me on my highest high...I am communing with Him...we are talking everyday...yes...every day I hear something new from God...

This freedom...this amazing feeling that I am on the right track...this is worth it...worth all of the bad that I've gone through to get here...THIS is the moment that I am choosing to live a life devoted to longer stuck in a rut of mediocrity...I am giving him my all...everything...I lay it and life is nothing without him...he is my all in all...

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