Monday, October 08, 2007

Today I Miss My Friends

It's funny...because as much as I love them...I do not always miss them...but today...I thought about them and started crying...I miss them all so much...and I don't want to be like...why the heck do I miss them...but...why the heck do I miss them so much today...??? I don't know...maybe it's the fact that I haven't seen some of them in three weeks...CRAZY!!! I was having my once a week fix there for a while...but I took the fix away and now I'm having withdrawls...

It's hard...because I'm happy here...really truely happy...but there are times when I just miss people...and today has been one of those days...I just want to cry...because I want to...and in an hour when I have the kids...I won't be so lonely and I won't think about it all that much...but today...for now...I miss you all...

I really, really do...

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