Monday, July 12, 2010

I Miss You

I know that I didn't make a mistake. I know that you are not the right guy for me, and I know that I am not the right girl for you. You and I are so different...but I thought we were friends. For three were the most important person in my life. I don't know how to go from that to not being your friend. It feels like you have figured out the secret to this...I wish you'd share it. I want to talk to you every day, but I know that I am torturing myself...because no matter how many times I text hardly ever respond...and even if I get a response it is cold and distant.

I miss you. I miss talking to you and being your friend. I miss your friends and feeling like I am part of something. I miss my second family. I miss the church. It is so hard for me to have gone from changing my life so much and living my life in your world to being completely pushed out of it. I know that it was my choice...but I didn't know it would be mean all of this.

I'm sorry that I hurt you. It was never my intention. I loved you...I do love you. It hurts because I know that no matter how much I love you we will never be right for each other. It hurts because I can't be what you need. I am sad that we're not able to be in each others lives anymore...I wish it could be different.

You will always be in my heart...even if I am far from yours. I just want you to know...even if you never read this...I miss you...

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