Friday, October 29, 2004

Learning to Breathe

Over the last few weeks I have struggled with everything you can imagine. I have faced fears, broken down and learned to let go. More than anything, though, I have struggled with my future. I wrote this the other day as I thought about all I was going through:

I'm scared of tomorrow,
I'm scared of today,
I'm scared of the future
As it heads my way.
I know it is short and simple, but it makes so much sense. I have been so concerned with where my life was headed. I don't just mean my career choice either. Everything in my life has seemed to be surreal. I have slidden to point that I am struggling to come up for air. I am stuck in a routine, and trying to break out has brought me to my breaking point.
Yesterday I had one of those realization where everything that seemed so unclear finally comes into focus. I now know where my life is headed, and while I don't have all of the details I have a general ideal of what will happen over the next few years. I understand that you must wait upon the Lord, for it is only in His timing that things will be revealed. Today I feel like I can fly, and I have learned to breathe again. My life is headed in the right direction, and that is enough to make anyone's day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your poem. It is quite touching. I am praying for you and I know that you will find what you are searching for. There is a zen proverb that I think fits yyou quite well Cease Becoming and begin to be be yourself when you are real. Do what you want and who cares what others thinks.

Cease Becoming and begin to be~Adam